Board Rule 401

  • Levying of Tuition & Fees
    • Tuition (Undergraduate & Graduate) - June
    • Tuition (Medical, Dental, Optometry, & CCHS) - April
  • Loans or Lines of Credit (UAS)

Board Rule 405

  • Approved Depositories

Board Rule 406

  • Contracts for Board Approval
    • Goods & Services Greater than $1M Not Bid
    • Professional Services Greater than $250K
  • Heightened Contract Review Contracts
    • Goods & Services Related to University Hospital
    • Direct Provision of Liability or Property Insurance or Employee Benefits
    • Unusual and Compelling Urgency Contracts
  • Quality Reporting to Board
    • Heightened Contract Review Report
    • Purchasing Report

Board Rule 409

  • State Appropriations Request
  • Requests for Funds for Capital Improvements

Board Rule 410

  • Operating Budget Requests

Board Rule 419

  • Issuance of Debt
    • Loans or Lines of Credit Affiliates
    • Issuance of Bonds
      • Bond Counsel (obtained by General Counsel)
      • Competitive Bonds
      • Negotiated Bonds
  • Financial Advisor Services Agreement